Thank you for buying direct from us! Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about your order and delivery.

If I buy an ebook, how do I read it? Or get it onto my device?

Once you purchase an ebook, you will receive an email directly from Bookfunnel (help@bookfunnel.com) with a link to download the ebook, or you can send the ebook directly to your device.

You can download to a number of reading devices including Kindle, Kobo, Nook, etc. and you can choose any or all of them. If you need help with getting the ebook to your device, just email: help@bookfunnel.com or check https://getbookfunnel.com/

If the email hasn’t arrived in 10 minutes after purchase, please look for it in your Spam folder.

You can also find your ebooks in your Bookfunnel library on your PC by going to https://My.BookFunnel.com or by downloading the app.  Log into BookFunnel with the email you used to purchase/download your books.

If I buy an audiobook, how do I listen to it? Or get it onto my device? 

Once you purchase an audiobook, you will get an email with a link and instructions telling you how to download the audiobook. This will come directly from help@bookfunnel.com. You can listen using the BookFunnel app, your device - or both. If the email hasn’t arrived in 10 minutes after purchase, please look for it in your Spam folder.

You can also find your audiobooks in your Bookfunnel library at https://My.BookFunnel.com. Log into BookFunnel with the email you used to purchase/download your books.

If you need help with getting the ebook to your device, just email: help@bookfunnel.com or check https://getbookfunnel.com/

If I buy a paperback, how long does it take to get to me? 

It won't be next day shipping, as it depends which country you're in and what you chose at checkout. 

Each book is printed and sent to you specially from an independent printer.  In the UK or US it can take 7-10 working days to reach you, so please be patient and allow extra time for the holidays.  We use Bookvault in the UK and for some US deliveries, plus Lulu for North America. You will receive an email directly from them with confirmation of your order.

Why would I buy from you when I can go to one of the big online stores? 

You are supporting authors and creatives, as well as independent printers and small businesses that benefit from handmade items. This enables us to keep creating and we very much appreciate it.

How does it help authors and creatives to buy direct? 

If you buy direct from us, we get paid within days, rather than months — which helps us create more books and gifts! Thank you! We can also email you to tell you about other books and gifts you might enjoy.

We also love the big stores and you can sometimes find our items there too.

How can I contact you with any more questions? 

You can email us: team@britebirdbooks.com.